We are hiring full time teachers, assistant teachers and cook. For more information call 214-705-1714 or email jobs@lmafrisco.com


Observing our students at work and play speaks for itself. We invite you to visit Legacy Montessori by appointment to observe a class in progress. Tours can be scheduled Monday through Friday mornings between 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock in the morning.

Step 1: Observation
An classroom observation is the first step in fully understanding the methodology and culture of a Montessori School. Your observation may be done either before or after submitting an application. We encourage you to call today or come in and allow us to give you a tour of our loving, nurturing learning environments.

Step 2: Application
Complete and return an Application for Admission.

Step 3: Placement
Placement is based on space availability, the child's age and readiness for the program. This will be evaluated by having your child visit one of our classrooms for a few hours. The student is officially enrolled when the Enrollment Agreement is signed and all applicable fees are received.


Upcoming Events

Now enrolling from 6 months.

Hours of operation: 6:30AM - 6:00PM.

March 20th-21st
Spring Break (School Closed)
Don't forget to check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/lmafrisco for information on upcoming events, pictures and school closures.