We are hiring full time teachers, assistant teachers and cook. For more information call 214-705-1714 or email jobs@lmafrisco.com


Maria Montessori’s method was designed to lead the child to successful independence in all stages of development. She recognized the child’s need to “help me do it myself.” The foundation of the method is the Practical Life Exercises which assist the child in developing hand and eye coordination, orderly thought patterns, independent work habits, and builds within the child the ability to concentrate.

Activities in this area include the development of skills needed throughout their life such as dressing, cleaning, polishing, sweeping, cutting, setting a table, etc. When introduced to these lessons the child is developing an attention span and learning that he/she can take care of themselves and their environment. These basic skills give the child confidence, an aptitude of calmness, coordination of their movements and the development of pride within themselves.


Upcoming Events

Now enrolling from 6 months.

Hours of operation: 6:30AM - 6:00PM.

March 20th-21st
Spring Break (School Closed)
Don't forget to check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/lmafrisco for information on upcoming events, pictures and school closures.